She stood taller

She stood taller triptych
Pictured from left to right:

“She stood taller, finally believing (after all these years) that she is beautiful, just as she is.” ~Vivienne

“She stood taller for the time being, knowing that her daughter would one day outgrow her.” ~Jennifer

“She stood taller to see farther, steadfast in her quest for clarity.” ~Deb


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16 Responses to She stood taller

  1. Jen

    I love this series! This is a wonderful idea for a blog. I love the collaborative blogs of people across the miles. Thank you for sharing!

  2. andrea

    Great series V! and I recognize those amazing blue shoes!!!

  3. Thanks Jen!

    Andrea…yes indeed…that sure was $16 well spent!

  4. these images are so beautiful, and your words moving. loving it ladies!

  5. Pingback: jennifer deville » Blog Archive » Learning and loving

  6. Brava! I love your theme, your inventiveness, the vulnerability entailed in showing yourselves this way.

  7. Looking forward to this. I love collaborative blogs!

  8. OMG I love those striped socks and dimpled knees with the joyful kick! You make me SMILE@!

  9. Gostei muito desse site!

  10. Ladies!! This one is so gorgeous!

  11. Barbara Paulsen

    This is just lovely, Ladies!!

  12. Pingback: jennifer deville » Blog Archive » February monthly mosaic

  13. kt

    i am excited & ignited by this blog thanks deb for putting the link on your blog so i could feel so joyful and inspired this morning……beautiful work women!!!!!!!