She whispered ~ Jennifer

She whispered that everything would be okay
“She whispered that everything would be okay.” ~Jennifer

Life has felt very blurry lately. There is so much I need and want to accomplish, but everything seems out of focus. I feel myself withdrawing from a lot of activities simply because my physical and emotional energy is limited. I’ve felt guilty for not being able to keep up, but deep down I know I need to honor what my body is telling me. The final weeks of my third trimester are whizzing by, and I’m craving quiet time at home. I’m taking care of the essentials on my to-do list and then letting the rest go. I’m trying to trust that all will get done in it’s own time. I just want to appreciate these remaining weeks as I prepare to welcome my baby boy. This is a time of great transition.  My two-and-a-half-year-old daughter started nursery school last week, and that milestone was huge. She’s growing and developing so quickly, making new discoveries every day. It feels like she was a baby merely a few months ago, and now it’s almost time for her little brother to join us. I’m having trouble fathoming what life will be like when he arrives. I’m scared and excited at the same time. How will labor be this time around? Will the baby be okay? How will my husband and I manage with two little ones?

I’m full of questions right now. Years ago, whenever I felt nervous and overwhelmed, I’d call my mom and ask her to tell me that everything would be okay. Something about hearing her say those simple words calmed me down. It’s up to me to say that phrase now. On the day I took this photo, I did just that. I stood next to the colorful zinnias my husband had sown from seed, I held my belly and I whispered that everything would be okay.


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12 Responses to She whispered ~ Jennifer

  1. sweet jennifer, i have stood next to zinnias sown from seed. and i have stood in the quiet and confusing moments before the birth of a second child. i know well the excitement and the fear and the many, many questions. and if i may offer another whisper – in honor of your mother and with love for you – i whisper to you that everything will be okay. a year from now, you will stand next to a fresh patch of zinnias and you will marvel at how okay everything turned out to be.

    • Dear Michelle,
      What would I do without your soft and gentle ways of kindness and knowingness? I’ve been letting your sweet whispers of reassurance sink in over the last couple of days. Thank you for understanding exactly where I am, and for helping my heart know that everything really will be okay.
      Xoxo to you.

  2. Barbara Paulsen

    what michelle said xo

  3. Jennifer,

    Michelle has a way with words. I ditto what she said. Don’t worry. Focus on the present and enjoy your daughter thru the lens of pregnancy and enjoy the togetherness of this transition.

    Your photo is fabulous.

    • Dear Cheryl,
      Thank you so much for echoing reassurance. (Michelle sure does have a way with words, I agree). It’s always nice to hear from you (and thank you for complimenting my photo)!

  4. So beautifully written. The joys of motherhood are exponentially growing for you as you prepare to welcome your second little. Your willingness to honor your body and lean into the quiet is good soul work. Sending prayers up for you as you make this transition. Hugs to you!

  5. I have an overwhelmingly strong feeling of everything turning out ok for you, dear beauty.

    • Your message came at the perfect time. Thank you for relaying such wonderfully strong and positive feelings. What a world of good it does to hear them from you!
      Xoxo to you, dear Bella.

  6. stopping by to whisper loudly to you ” everything will all be OK”
    Your photo is so beautiful, and someday your little Man will agree !!

    • Thank you for always being in my corner, dear Deb, and thank you for the gift of that lovely whisper. I can hardly imagine my little boy seeing this someday, but he will!
      Xoxo always,