She concealed ~ Bella

She Concealed

“She concealed her desires and pains right here.” ~Bella

This space inside of my chest holds more than most people could imagine. My skin envelopes my rib cage, which houses my heart center. Some may call it my soul, but I am of the the belief that the soul is all encompassing and cannot be contained.

So here, where I bring my hands together to cover and protect, is where my secrets lie. The joys, the heartbreaks, the confusion, the growing pains, the love, the sorrow, the longing, the abundance, and the grief.

It is also a place bursting with desires and ideas. A place where seeds are planted for growing into big dreams. It beats to a rhythm beyond my control, yet I can bring myself to a place of peace by meditating to that beat.

Everything in here, stays here – save for a few of my nearest and dearest, who have heard it all.

I conceal so much in my heart space. It’s neither a curse nor a blessing, it just is. This space inside of my chest houses who I was, who I am, and who I will be. It’s sacred, so I guard it vigilantly.

Today I invite you to share a photo that encompasses the theme “She Concealed” on Facebook or Instagram using hashtags #sheconcealed and #sheisthreedotcom. Let your photo tell the story. Let the healing begin.

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