She fell in love ~ Bella

she fell in love

“She opened up her heart and fell in love.” ~Bella

I don’t know what came over me.

Growing up we always had cats but never a dog. My husband and I, in all of our years together never had a pet. Then came my daughter and we indulged her love of all things furry and four legged by adopting the neighborhood stray cat and getting a rabbit. That was about as far as I was willing to go when it came having pets.

Everyone else in my family had dogs. My sister and brother have always kept big boxers, and I loved them yet I still didn’t know what that bond was like.

Something changed last year when I really began yearning for a dog. “How could I have a dog?” I thought. I came up with every single reason possible that would keep my heart closed to the idea. Too much work. Who wants to house train a dog? What if it’s a yapper? I don’t know how to take care of a dog. But what kept tugging at my heart strings was that I couldn’t deprive my daughter of the experience. She wanted a dog so badly, and then I did too.

It was love at first sight when I saw Trixie. When I asked to hold her, it was over. She was ours and would come home with us that night.

It’s been almost a year since since Trixie came into our lives. All of our hearts, mine especially, have expanded in ways we couldn’t have imagined. I opened myself up to saying yes despite all of my hesitations, and I fell in love. The bond we have is so special. It’s a kind of love I’ve never known but cannot imagine living my life without it.


Filed under Bella, She fell in love

3 Responses to She fell in love ~ Bella

  1. I could have written this. Dogs just sneak right into your heart, don’t they?
    Lovely. Perfect for Valentine’s Day.
    Thank you.

  2. oh, for the love of pups!
    we got a dog around the same time you did and i had *no* idea how much we would all fall in love with this furry, four-legged creature. she has worked her way into each of our hearts, and i cannot imagine our days without her!
    so glad you all know this kind of love too….unconditional and sweet and amazing.

  3. Oh Bella, I’ve read this over and over nodding my head.
    Animals gift us with the most amazing kind of love.
    It’s so sweet to read about how Trixie has expanded all of your hearts.
